Las Vegas, NV Dog Training Classes: Training for All Breeds


Dog Training in Las Vegas Nevada

Originally from Las Vegas, Dan moved to North Texas in 2011 with his wife and two miniature Dachshunds. Over the course of the next two years his furry family grew from two to four.

As a lifelong owner and lover, he felt he knew the basics of dog training and behavior but sought a way to build a stronger bond and a better relationship with his “fur” kids.

In 2003 as the proud parents of two male and two female dogs he took the first step towards formal education in dog training and enrolled in the Dog Obedience Program at Animal Behavior College.

Certified Dog Trainer in Las Vegas After completing the required curriculum, he was paired with a Mentor Trainer and that trainer was Wendy Dek VSPDT.

He immediately realized that there was so much more that he could learn to not only sharpen his communication skills with people but more importantly DOGS. He realized that his formal education was only the FIRST step to a career doing something that he was extremely passionate about & was pleased to be invited to join Wendy’s Positive Dog Training Team.
In August 2015 he moved back to Las Vegas to be closer to family.

Now as a Certified Professional Trainer, “I want to be able to help others learn how to communicate effectively with their dogs without the use of force, pain or punishment – to build their relationships or to repair damaged ones”.

Like Wendy, “I truly believe there are NO Bad Dogs, just poor communication & I want to help people love and enjoy their dogs the way nature intended”.

For more information, please contact Canine Advanced Training Services today at 702-773-5351. We look forward to working with you.